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Traumatic Brain Injury after a Car Accident
When a person is in a serious car accident, one of the most devastating injuries that he or she can suffer is a traumatic brain injury (TBI) – a classification of brain trauma suffered as a result of an acute injury or a sudden impact. This type of injury may result in temporary harm to the brain, where cells are damaged, but can repair themselves over time. However, more severe harm may lead to long-term, or even permanent damage. As a result, the victim of a serious TBI may suffer from a lifetime of physical disability or cognitive impairment.

There are many accidents or intentional acts that can cause a TBI. A simple bump on the head can lead to a life-altering injury. Each year, there are approximately 1.7 million TBIs in the United States alone. Many of these injuries, whether from a blow to the head or a penetrating injury, require long-term medical treatment and intensive rehabilitation. Motor vehicle accidents are the second most common cause of TBIs, at seventeen percent (17%). Falls result in the most TBIs each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Despite being the number two cause of TBIs, auto accidents were the leading cause of deaths from TBIs, contributing thirty-one percent (31%) of the fatalities.

Two different types of injuries cause a TBI:

  • Closed head injuries – this happens when there is some sort of impact to the head. When a person is involved in a car accident, this could happen when the head strikes the steering wheel, windshield, or dashboard.
  • Penetrating injuries – as they sound like, these are caused when there are actual intrusions into the brain by a foreign object. There is damage along the penetration pathway. A bullet wound would fall within this classification, as would shrapnel impacting the brain during an auto accident.

A TBI may be obvious because of lacerations, bruises and contusions, blood clots, nerve damage, and obvious trauma to the skull. Alternatively, the TBI may not be obvious at first, but is diagnosed when there is:

  • The development of intracranial pressure;
  • Hematomas;
  • Swelling of the brain;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Anemia;
  • Problems with maintaining regular blood pressure;
  • Cardiac abnormalities; and
  • Pronounced changes in behavior.

The physical and mental challenges that result from a traumatic brain injury are extensive and severe. A victim who has suffered a TBI may experience debilitating headaches, seizures, loss of limb coordination, reduced strength, hearing or vision impairment or loss, speech impairment or loss, emotional ups and downs, and cognitive impairment. The victim of a TBI that does not heal quickly may face a lifetime of struggles. An adult may never be able to return to his previous career and many people cannot work at all. A child who suffers from a TBI many need to pursue a specialized education plan and never recover physically or emotionally, requiring assistance and accommodations for the rest of his life. Any damages award in a negotiated settlement or trial will have to account for the projected life expectancy of the victim and the financial needs that he will endure.

Accidents that result in severe injuries, such as a traumatic brain injury, require thoughtful handling. The experienced personal injury attorneys at Lundy Law are focused on the needs of the auto accident victim and obtaining the compensation that he needs to live a fulfilling life. We are prepared to fight for everything that you deserve and understand how to compile the evidence that proves the negligence of the driver while demonstrating the financial need and the pain and suffering that you experience every day as a result of your severe injuries. We are ready to discuss the trauma you endured and determine a plan for the future, so call us today at 1-800-LundyLaw to schedule a meeting, or complete our free online consultation form.