Paragard is a hormone free device implanted in the uterus to provide long term protection against pregnancy. It is unique from other IUD devices in preventing fertilization, as it was manufactured with copper that produces an inflammatory reaction that acts like a spermicide to prevent pregnancy.
Some women have experienced complications due to the device breaking during removal. Many have sustained injuries in their uterine cavity as a result. Additional injuries include.
- Perforation of the uterus
- IUD becomes embedded in the uterus
- Device breakage (copper wire) requiring removal surgery
- Infections or scarring
- Loss of reproductive health
Additional surgeries have sometimes been required as a result of Paragard related injuries. Those surgeries include:
- Hysterectomy,
- Cesarian section
- Other exploratory surgery
If you or a loved one sustained injuries as a result of a defective Paragard or injuries during removal of the device, call 1-800-LundyLaw. Cases may be referred to associated law firms.