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Common causes of Distracted Driving and how an Attorney can help

There is no justification for incidents of distracted driving, especially when it causes a collision. Accidental death, severe injuries, and considerable property damage are the potential consequences each time you decide to take your attention away from the task of driving. Our New Jersey Car accident attorneys advocate awareness of the statistics and understands the need … Read more

Tasks Put Welders at Risk for Asbestos Exposure

Individuals employed in the welding industry are a high risk demographic for dangerous asbestos exposure and the resulting health complications. The dangers were completely unknown back in the 1970’s, so protective items actually contained the dangerous substance. Symptoms can take decades to develop, making it fairly common for career welders to see a new diagnosis … Read more

Can Preexisting Injuries Harm Your Potential Auto Accident Case in Pennsylvania?

Many Pennsylvania residents have suffered injuries at some point in their lives that may have gone away overtime, or perhaps still bother them from time to time. Back pain is a common example, and plagues millions of Americans. Back injuries are also common when it comes to auto accidents, and this should come as no … Read more

From the Files of Leonard Lundy: 6 Thoughts after Getting Rear-Ended

Rear-enders make up 23-30% of all crashes—so if you get into an accident, there’s a pretty good chance you will get slammed from behind by another car. Anyone who’s been rear-ended knows that it’s far from a pleasant experience. You’re sitting at stoplight, minding your own business, jamming out to that new Pharrell song on the radio … Read more

What Are Punitive Damages and Can They Be Awarded in a Pennsylvania Personal Injury Case?

When filing a personal injury lawsuit, you are filing a civil action that is separate from the criminal system. As such, any form of “punishment” associated with a personal injury verdict comes in the form of money, and is termed “punitive damages.” Under Pennsylvania law, punitive damages may be awarded to a plaintiff in a … Read more

Lane Splitting – A Cause of Many Pennsylvania Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycles are often seen as more than just a mode of transportation. There is a culture that surrounds motorcycles, and many are cherished just like any collectible car. Just as is the case with any automobile, operating a motorcycle can be safe. However, reckless and negligent operation of any motor vehicle increases the risk that … Read more

Department Store Slip and Fall Accidents – Why You Need a Pennsylvania Personal Injury Attorney

Shopping malls and department stores provide a convenient way for consumers like you to purchase multiple goods during one trip, avoiding the need to drive from one store to the next. Along with conveniences in life comes the risk of injury. It is already generally understood that slip and fall accidents occur all the time … Read more