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Water Damage in Philadelphia Subway Causes Safety Concerns

Public safety should be a serious concern the city of Philadelphia always has in mind. Recently though, a wall that is falling apart in a local subway concourse has many citizens worried metro officials are not doing enough to protect the public’s well being. An article from Newsworks explains that, beginning at the end of … Read more

The Dangers of Medical Mistakes in Pennsylvania

Medical errors are unfortunately an all too common occurrence in Pennsylvania. Data indicates that as many as 8,000 medical mistakes are reported by hospitals and doctor’s offices in the state each year. This leaves many citizens questioning what is being done to prevent such incidents from occurring. The Philadelphia Medical Malpractice Lawyers with Lundy Law … Read more

How to Spot Dangerous Dogs and Avoid Bite Injuries

Studies from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that each year, an estimated 4.5 million Americans are the victims of dog bites. The Philadelphia Dog Bite Attorneys with Lundy Law point out these numbers leave many citizens wondering how they can recognize a dangerous dog in order to prevent bites from occurring. An article from My … Read more

Foul Weather Causes 100-Car Pileup on Pennsylvania Turnpike

Snow and ice on Pennsylvania’s roads can be a deadly combination. The Philadelphia Personal Injury Lawyers with Lundy Law explain the dangers of driving in winter weather were highlighted by the recent 100-car pileup that occurred on the Pennsylvania Turnpike last week. According to an article from CBS-Philly News, the initial crash occurred at approximately … Read more

Visit A Pennsylvania Car Seat Safety Check Taking Place In Coming Days and Weeks

In the event of a motor vehicle collision, a properly functioning safety or booster seat is crucial to protecting a young child’s life. The Philadelphia Car Accident Lawyers with Lundy Law explain that is why it is so important for parents to address the risks posed by defective and improperly installed safety seats. An estimated … Read more

Pennsylvania Personal Injury Lawsuit Results in $5 Million Settlement

When a person is injured as the result of another individual’s negligence, the victim may have a right to seek compensation for damages from the responsible parties through civil litigation. The Philadelphia Personal Injury Attorneys with Lundy Law explain that a settlement was recently reached in such a case that was filed in a Sullivan … Read more

New Paths Created in Pennsylvania to Prevent Crashes Between Vehicles and Pedestrians

In recent years, Pennsylvania has had a steady increase in the number of collisions between motor vehicles and pedestrians or bicycles. In fact, data from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation shows pedestrian-related accidents in Pennsylvania saw a more than seven percent increase between 2009 and 2011. During the same time, pedestrian fatalities grew by 9.5 … Read more

Salt Mound Collapse Claims Worker’s Life Outside Philadelphia

One of the greatest dangers posed to workers in any industry is the danger of being struck by objects or equipment on a jobsite. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that in 2012, roughly 15 percent of all workplace fatalities were attributed to such accidents. The Philadelphia workers compensation lawyers with Lundy Law explain a … Read more