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New car safety features prevented over one million injuries in 2008

June 14, 2012 Motor Trend (6/13) reported that despite the record number of Americans driving on the road, “traffic fatalities have actually gone down thanks to improved vehicle design,” according to a new report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. ,Motor Trend added that NHTSA’s results also show the “likelihood of crashing in 100,000 … Read more

DOT maps campaign against distracted driving

June 12, 2012 On its front-page, the Detroit News (6/9, Shepardson) continues coverage about Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood’s distracted driving speech Thursday, when he unveiling a blueprint to “pass more laws, address technology and crack down on texting,” a move praised by the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers. Nevertheless, LaHood stopped short of calling for … Read more

Biker groups lobbying against stricter enforcement of motorcycle helmet laws

June 11, 2012 The Philadelphia Inquirer (6/11, Schmitt) reports, “In a highly touted safety achievement, deaths on the nation’s roads and highways have fallen sharply in recent years, to the lowest total in more than half a century.” However, “motorcyclists have missed out on that dramatic improvement, and the news for them has been increasingly … Read more

Teen gets prison sentence for fatal distracted driving accident

June 8, 2012 ABC World News (6/6, lead story, 3:00, Sawyer) reported, “A landmark verdict in Massachusetts today convicted a driver of vehicular homicide, and his crime was blamed on texting while driving.” ABC (Robach) added that a “Massachusetts judge…imposed the maximum sentence, two and a half years behind bars on 18-year-old Aaron Deveau for … Read more