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Doctors report number of medical malpractice suits declining

May 2, 2012 Aunt Minnie (5/2, Yee) reports, “The number of medical malpractice suits filed in the US each year is actually declining, but those that are filed are more severe, said presenters Dr. Richard Daffner and Dr. Leonard Berlin.” As the story explains, “To minimize risk, radiologists must remain vigilant about communicating urgent results … Read more

Distracted driving debate remains prominent issue

May 1, 2012 USA Today (4/29, O’Donnell) reported on distracted driving and the disagreement on how to regulate it. The article noted that “there’s disagreement among safety experts over whether there even is a distracted-driving crisis and just who should have to solve it — the auto or cellphone industry.” The distracted driving debate has … Read more

LaHood calls for federal distracted driving ban

April 27, 2012 Secretary LaHood’s call for a national distracted driving ban garnered coverage from one national service, while Texas outlets carried more general pieces on the Secretary’s San Antonio visit. Coverage of LaHood’s remarks ranged from slightly critical in the Reuters piece to slightly positive in reports seen on local television. Reuters (4/27, Forsyth) … Read more

Tire label mistake causes Nissan to recall pickups, SUVs

April 26, 2012 USA Today (4/26) reports that “Nissan is recalling Titan pickups and Armada SUVs because of a mistake on the tire-information label,” which is “considered a potential safety hazard according to government rules.” The recall involves “as many as 26,625” vehicles. USA Today reports that next month, Nissan will “begin supplying owners with … Read more

NHTSA will study if technologies improve driving safety

April 25, 2012 Motor Trend (4/24) reported, “In a bid to further reduce traffic accidents and deaths, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration will study whether technologies can make driving safer. The” NHTSA “research projects are being undertaken even as the nation enjoys roads that are statistically the safest since 1949.” NHTSA will first research … Read more

Stronger laws appear effective in encouraging teens to use seat belts

April 24, 2012 HealthDay (4/24, Preidt) reports, “Teen drivers and passengers are more likely to use seat belts if they’re in states with primary-enforcement seat belt laws, often promoted as ‘click it or ticket’ laws,” according to a study published in the April 19 online edition of the American Journal of Public Health. The study … Read more

Tentative ruling favors Toyota in acceleration class action

April 23, 2012 Reuters (4/20, Zeidler) reported that Toyota Motor Corp. won tentative dismissal of some claims in a class-action lawsuit brought by owners claiming sudden acceleration by their vehicles. Federal district judge James Selna in Santa Ana, California tentatively ruled that New York and Florida class representatives cannot bring claims under their states’ laws … Read more