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December 1, 2011

New research is showing that soccer players who head the ball too often may be susceptible to traumatic brain injuries. According to a report by NBC-Philadelphia, Dr. Michael Lipton, a professor and researcher at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, says the more heading a player has done in the past year, the more likely they were to preform poorly on cognitive testing, especially on tests for attention span.

Their claims are supported by data from the Radiological Society of North America that shows once players have hit a ball with their head between 1,000-1,500 times in a year, the damage can be similar to suffering a concussion.

Researchers say they hope that a quantitative answer can be reached as to how many headers it takes to cause brain injury so that the practice can be monitored and possibly restricted in a similar manner as to how little league pitchers are only allowed to throw the ball a certain number of times per game.

The Pennsylvania Brain Injury Lawyers at Lundy Law understand the dangers athletes face every time they go onto the field. That is why our experienced team of attorneys is available anytime to discuss a head injury you have suffered and what kind of compensation you may be entitled to. Contact us today to discuss your case in detail.