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August 22, 2013

Recent studies have shown that drivers of other vehicles that fail to yield to a bike cause a large number of motorcycle accidents. The Philadelphia Motorcycle Accident Lawyers with Lundy Law point out this was the cause of a recent crash that claimed the life of a 46-year-old man.

Reports indicate the collision occurred at around 9:45 a.m. yesterday morning along I-95, outside the suburb of Langhorne, Pennsylvania. According to a story released by NBC 10 News, the victim was riding a Harley-Davidson motorcycle north along the highway when he began to slow for traffic. A 21-year-old woman was driving a Ford sedan behind the bike at a high rate of speed and failed to recognize the bike was slowing in front of her. The woman did not have enough time to slow down and plowed into the rear of the bike, causing the machine to become entangled with the car. The force of the impact was strong enough to throw the motorcyclist from the machine. He suffered serious injuries as a result of the crash and died a short time later.

The accident highlights the need for drivers to be more aware of motorcycles on the road, considering the highest volume of riders is on the highway this time of year.

Lundy Law’s team of Philadelphia Personal Injury Lawyers explains motorists paying extra attention and looking twice when moving in traffic can help achieve this goal.