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In the event of a motor vehicle collision, a properly functioning safety or booster seat is crucial to protecting a young child’s life. The Philadelphia Car Accident Lawyers with Lundy Law explain that is why it is so important for parents to address the risks posed by defective and improperly installed safety seats.

An estimated 4 million child safety and booster seats made by manufacturer, Graco, were recalled earlier this week due to problems with the units’ buckles. Experts say the buckles may not properly release, leaving a child strapped to the seat and a parent being unable to remove the child in an emergency situation.

Another risk is the parent not properly installing the seat in their vehicle, a mistake experts say as many as nine out of ten parents make. An improperly installed seat could result in a child not being properly restrained in the event of an accident.

To help address these dangers, a Car Seat Safety Check is taking place this coming Saturday at Abington Memorial Hospital in Abington, Pennsylvania. The event begins at 8:00 a.m. and will allow parents to have their child’s safety or booster seats inspected by a trained professional to ensure they are installed correctly. Each unit will also be checked to make sure it has not passed its expiration date and there are no current recalls on the unit. A similar event will take place at St. Christopher’s Hospital in Philadelphia beginning at 5:00 p.m. on March 3.

Lundy Law’s team of attorneys encourages anyone with children to have their safety seats checked!