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Dogs a Distraction, AAA Says

It’s a common sight. Fido’s head hanging out of the window, or pacing the back seat of your car.  However, a new study by AAA indicates that your pup may be as big a danger as many other distractions like texting while driving. It’s called DWA (driving with animals). It only takes looking away for … Read more

Hang-up over cell phones in cars

Read this article on the State House rejecting the “Jacy Good Law”, the proposed state law banning cell phones use while driving. Jacy Good sees Pennsylvania as an island of dangerous behaviors like distracted driving. Most bordering states have laws banning the use of hand-held cell phones while operating a motor vehicle. A similar proposal … Read more

Philadelphia Police Getting Tough on Distracted Driving

According to an article in the Philadelphia Metro (5/17/10) Philadelphia police are handing out staggering 47 distracted driving tickets a day — more than 7,600 in all — to motorists who ignore Philadelphia’s ban on cell phone use while driving. The price if you get stopped? $75 a pop. The upsurge in ticketing is part … Read more

Ask Marvin Lundy…About Distracted Driving

A recent survey revealed that 84 percent of cell phone users believe using a cell phone while driving increases the risk of being in an accident. Yet, as recently as last year, over 800,000 people per day were texting or calling on their cell phones while behind the wheel. With cell phone use increasing your … Read more

Distracted Driving Causes New Jersey Auto Accident

February 13, 2008 A New Jersey auto accident left a woman seriously injured following a head-on collision with a tractor-trailer, according to the Asbury Park Press. The tractor-trailer was carrying about 1,000 gallons of gasoline at the time of the car accident. The 22-year-old New Jersey auto accident victim was listed in fair condition at … Read more