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When Employers Don’t Carry Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Insurance, What Assistance Is Available to Injured Workers?

Most employers in Pennsylvania are required by law to carry insurance to cover the expenses associated with a worker’s injuries in the event of an accident. Despite these regulations, some employers attempt to save money by not carrying such coverage. This can leave injured workers struggling to make ends meet. Luckily, there is assistance available … Read more

Pennsylvania Car Accident Blamed On Dog

May 23, 2013 A new study has shown that driving with a pet in the car can be just as dangerous as operating a cellphone behind the wheel, especially for the elderly. Researchers examined crash reports and determined that accident rates were higher for those who regularly drove with a pet. The highest accident rate … Read more

Pennsylvania Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Payouts Second Highest In Nation

May 15, 2013 Last year, medical malpractice payouts from across the United States totaled $3.6 billion. Now, a new study has shown that a significant portion of that money came from Pennsylvania Medical Malpractice Lawsuits. According to The Clinical Advisor, the study examined information that was culminated in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ … Read more

Pennsylvania Motorcycle Accident Leaves Woman Seriously Injured

March 28, 2013 Data shows that in the event of a motorcycle accident, there is 98 percent likelihood that the rider of the bike involved in the crash will sustain an injury. Unfortunately though, the costs associated with these injuries can often leave the victim with nothing to spare. An Eden, New York, woman is … Read more

Philadelphia Couple Files Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Against Drug Rehab Center

January 24, 2013 A prominent Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, couple recently filed a Pennsylvania Medical Malpractice lawsuit in United States District Court against a luxury drug and alcohol rehabilitation center located in Palm Beach, Florida. A story from The Philly Post explained the lawsuit claims negligent acts committed by doctors and staff at the facility were the direct cause of pain, … Read more

Study Finds High Rates Of Medical Errors

December 20, 2012 Johns Hopkins University researchers found that despite efforts to improve patient safety in medical facilities, thousands of errors occur each year that leave patients in worse shape than they were in when they went to see a doctor. The Wall Street Journal reports the study found that each year, approximately 4,000 “Never-Events” … Read more

Airport Food Safety a Concern

A recent headline in USA Today warns travelers about food safety violations at airport restaurants. Some of the violations are: 1.   Tuna salad and turkey sandwiches are stored at dangerously warm temperatures. 2.   Raw meat contaminated. 3.   Rat droppings. 4.   Kitchens lack soap for workers to wash hands. These are national chains located in airports … Read more